LEAD June 2024 | Page 29

others through won ’ t affect us in the long run , they 100 percent do ! And carrying that stress from other people ’ s lives can become a crushing weight if it goes unaddressed . If we want to care for our temple — mind , heart , and soul — then isn ’ t it good to seek wise counsel ?
Counselors come in many forms . We need prayer warriors to stand in the gap for us . We need counselors to offer an empathetic ear and truth-filled words , ones who will get down in the dirt with us and drag our tails right back out of the guck . We need teachers , therapists , spiritual directors , and mentors to guide us as we lead others .
Excerpt from Pastors ’ Wives Tell All by Stephanie Gilbert , Jessica Taylor , and Jenna Allen , Baker Books , a division of Baker Publishing Group , used by permission . http :// www . bakerpublishinggroup . com
Stephanie Gilbert , Jessica Taylor , and Jenna Allen are cohosts of the Pastors ’ Wives Tell All podcast . Stephanie is a blogger , speaker , and youth minister ’ s wife who has made it her life ’ s mission to seek out joy amid the junk of everyday life . Jessica is a speaker , pastor ’ s wife , and founder of Come Away Missions and DO GOOD Project , a nonprofit serving the people of Rwanda . Jenna is a creative , photographer , tech wiz , business owner , and discipleship / worship pastor ’ s wife who brings beauty and a clear message into every project she touches . 29