LEAD June 2024 | Page 24

Our desire for control — for logic , for reason , for that which makes sense to us — is one of the biggest factors in why we don ’ t have more of God . It ’ s not that God is displeased with our logic or that we shouldn ’ t seek spiritual understanding through the studying of Scripture . In fact , this is the essence of spiritual growth : we want more of God the more we know Him . But if we truly want God , the piece that must be abandoned is our demand for logic . We have to want Him more than what we can understand , since intellect gets in the way of unvarnished love . When we demand that God make sense , we overstep our role and show our sense of entitlement . In life God calls us to scary places we can ’ t understand , and we must have an open heart of faith to take the leap with Him . We must come as children who know and care nothing of formulas , calculations , and risk . That is faith . That is what makes a father glad .
Life with God was never meant to be a calculated risk ; it was meant to be an illogical surety . Logical people are at risk of stepping in the way of the supernatural . We don ’ t mean to — it ’ s just that often there ’ s a core incompatibility between what is known ( tangible , flesh , earth ) and the Unknown ( God ), and when we choose logic , it hinders His work . Don ’ t misunderstand — God doesn ’ t need us to understand to do His thing . He can work under any conditions , at any time , in any way . But whether we submit to His working is in our hands .
He wanted us to choose things and see things and experience things from a free will and open heart . Otherwise He would have created robots to simply do His bidding . But He didn ’ t . Because He is God , a part of Him will always be unknown to us as humans with limited minds . Yet so much of Him can be known by way of Scripture , experience , the heart , the mind , and the senses . We don ’ t need logic and reason to know we love and trust God .
And while logic feels good because it is a controllable entity , God often calls us to the illogical and unreasonable places to expose what position control holds in our life . He calls us to the things we fear because they ’ re foreign and require sacrifice . The things we don ’ t want to face because they seem too hard .
I wonder : What is your Africa ?
Choosing for ourselves is a two-sided gift .
It ’ s maybe His greatest and yet most cruel gift to us : how we get to live a life of choices . Because life is full of dual lovers — both of them pulling , both of them asking , both of them attractive in their own ways — and we are often caught in the middle , where even when we choose one , we will long for the other . It ’ s the way the flesh rolls , longing for the thing it does not pick .
And yet there comes a time after we