LEAD June 2024 | Page 15

mindset of the Industrial Revolution . We see our existence and value only in terms of ‘ fixing the world .’”
But that ’ s not how God sees . All throughout Scripture , God shows that he values work beyond its usefulness . Genesis 2:9 ( NIV ) says that he made “ trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food .” There was no need for these trees to be “ pleasing to the eye .” But God values function and beauty so much that he called out the beauty of the trees before their usefulness !
God doesn ’ t limit his work to the useful and functional . He doesn ’ t spend his time only fixing what ’ s broken in the world . Sometimes he works just to bring himself glory and pleasure .
Excerpted from The Sacredness of Secular Work . Copyright 2024 by Jordan Raynor . All rights reserved . No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher .
We see the same principle at the opposite bookend of Scripture , where John describes the foundations of the New Jerusalem as being “ decorated with every kind of precious stone ” ( Revelation 21:19 , NIV ). That ’ s 5,600 miles of emeralds , rubies , and other gems ( see verses 19 – 20 ).
What purpose does 5,600 miles of ever-lovely jewels serve ? My guess is none — and that ’ s precisely the point ! Because as theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez puts it , “ Utility is not the primary reason for God ’ s action .”
Jordan Raynor is the bestselling author of numerous books including his latest , The Sacredness of Secular Work : 4 Ways Your Job Matters for Eternity ( Even When You ’ re Not Sharing the Gospel ) ( WaterBrook ). 15