How To Pray for Your Kids
Tony Wood
No one can pray for your children better than you can .
No one knows their tendencies , habits , strengths , or weaknesses – in short , no one knows their hearts – like you do . I believe that the more specific we are when we pray , the more specific God is in responding .
I ’ m so grateful for the times I ’ ve spent praying with others . Their words have helped me express what was already on my heart but I hadn ’ t found a way to articulate .
As I wrote these prayers one for each day of the year plus a bonus prayer for leap year-I pictured myself sitting one-on-one with family members , friends from church and work , my own children , and even strangers . I hope these prayers lead you to pray for your children on a number of topics you might not have considered before . I hope they will lead you to lift up your kids with a degree of regularity you may not have before .
If these prayers have any value , at best they are simply jump starters . If on some days you