LEAD June 2023 | Page 33

Who is Jesus to You ?

Dr . Michael Brown

Paul planted a church community in the city of Corinth , about fifty miles west of Athens , Greece . He was a spiritual father to the believers there , the one who first brought them the gospel . That ’ s why he was so jealous for their spiritual well-being , bringing both correction and encouragement in his letters to them . In the first of those letters , he wrote , “ Because of God ’ s grace to me , I have laid the foundation like an expert builder . Now others are building on it . But whoever is building on this foundation must be very careful . For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have — Jesus
Christ ” ( 1 Cor . 3:10 – 11 , NLT ).
But what happens if a faulty foundation is laid ? What if people build their faith on someone other than Jesus and something other than the gospel ? What then ? The results will be disastrous , and sooner or later a collapse will occur .
That ’ s why Jesus was not impressed with the large crowds that followed Him . He was looking for true , devoted , long-term disciples . That ’ s why , when He saw the throngs of the people that came to hear Him , He didn ’ t say , “ I ’ m so glad you ’ re here ! That really blesses Me !