LEAD June 2023 | Page 23

God ’ s mission is not compartmentalized to just their finances . biblical generosity . Allow your generosity to get messy .
Those who live with open hands will often find them‐selves doing much more than participating financially in God ’ s mission . A heart that chases after God will find itself chasing the things God is after — the hearts of men and women .
Adapted from Money in the Light of Eternity : What the Bible Says about Your Financial Purpose by Art Rainer . Copyright 2023 . Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers , a Division of Tyndale House Ministries . All rights reserved .
Like the Good Samaritan , eternity- shaping givers don ’ t sit on the sidelines . They help people who are hurting , care for the needy , counsel those who are broken , teach those who need to know more about God — and , yes , even serve in the middle school ministry .
Messy generosity means getting in the game and giving with no strings attached .
There is no better illustration of biblical generosity than the example of the one who was born in a dirty stable and later hung , bloody , beaten , and naked , on a rough wooden cross . He entered the mess we created so we could become clean . Follow his lead .
Expect the untidiness and complexity of
Art Rainer is the founder of Christian Money Solutions . He writes and speaks widely about issues related to finance , wealth , and generosity . He is the author of The Money Challenge : 30 Days of Discovering God ’ s Design for You and Your Money . 23