LEAD June 2023 | Page 14

Adults haven ’ t evolved past this . We weren ’ t created to . Community is how adults of any age conform more to the image of Jesus Christ . There is no significant transformation in a person without another person or persons . We need one other . Dietrich Bonhoeffer sums up the true loss of transformation : “ When Christ calls a man , he bids him come and die .” God gave us one another because true transformation requires a loss so great that we can ’ t stand on our own . We need others to help us walk through the liminal space of soul transformation . It ’ s a lifelong process .
And it ’ s what churches could be best at providing . Walking together in a ministry of presence , listening , sharpening , and loving one another when we are together . The less relational your church is , the less transformational your church will be . If all you know is facts about Jesus , but you never encounter His great love embodied in His own people , then His love will ultimately not benefit you .
Less rows , more circles in our churches . When we sit with others face to face , we are bringing our body into alignment with our relational state so that we can receive in accordance with the truth . This “ relational mind ” allows truth to impact the depth of our hearts and begin the transformation operation . But it requires trust .
Have you ever had the experience of being in a difficult situation and someone you don ’ t know shared a Scripture reference with you ? We have . Most of the time it ’ s annoying . But later that night , as we sit around the fire as good friends and unpack a difficult situation , that same Scripture ministers to the soul as we share . We have experienced this with one another . This is the “ relational mind .” We feel deeply for and with the other person and are open to what they say , even though it might be the same truth the acquaintance shared earlier . There is no lasting transformation apart from relationship .
Enact Transformation
All of that process leads to action . This is the journey outward . And God uses churches for this too . The truly relational church leads a path where people are no longer merely hearers of sermons or mere “ talks ” who forget , but doers who act . Human being all God intended together . Transformation is visible all around . Quiet miracles in our midst .