LEAD February 2022 | Page 51

Love the Church
A child or immature person demands that others meet their needs with immediacy . A child will often throw a tantrum , scream , or cry . An adult may become passive-aggressive , sulk , or lash out at others . A leader with spiritual maturity is relationally aware and is thoughtful of others around them and compassionate about their needs ( Matthew 9:35 – 38 ). Relationally aware leaders listen to others as an act of love and can discern their unspoken actions , attitudes , and emotions ( Philippians 1:9 – 10 ; 1 John 4:1 ). They can also apply biblical wisdom in relational circumstances ( James 1:5 ). We can only love others when our attention is off self and directed toward others .
Christians are not exempt from being surly and stubborn , and these are the people God calls us to love . We will occasionally disagree with those in the church and it may lead to unnecessary conflicts . Francis Schaeffer offers five guidelines when disagreeing with others in the church : 1
1 . Approach these conflicts with deep tenderness toward the other person and tears of sorrow to confront a problem .
2 . Demonstrate a seeable love for others ( John 13:34 ), especially with major conflicts . When differences are great , so the love must be amplified . 3 . Show love no matter the cost to self . 4 . Approach the conflict to solve , not to win .
5 . Remain united in Christ with fellow Christians in spite of differences . They are not disposable cups to discard . They are image-bearers of God .
Schaeffer essentially says disagreements among Christians cannot lead to divisions and we cannot be ambivalent if they do . We have to strive for reconciliation ( Ephesians 4:26 ).
Leaders Lead by Loving
Love flourishes in a church only when it is led by loving leaders . And , it ’ s not some pedestrian love — it is Jesus ’ s love . We were his enemies , and he loved us ( Romans 5:10 ). We were far from him , and he drew near us ( Colossians 1:21 – 22 ). We were deep in sin , and he died for us ( Romans 5:8 ). That means that in the church we love not only those who are lovely , but also those who are unlovely , annoying , accusatory , and critical . The world sees our love most evident when we love our enemies . The local church is a center stage for the amplification of Christ ’ s love .
D . L . Moody preached seven sermons on the love of God from John 3:16 . He studied what the Bible said about love and was amazed by his findings . He concluded that church work cannot be done without love and his close associates said Moody “ was never the same man .” Moody said , “ I look up the word ‘ Love ,’ and I do not know how many weeks I spent studying the passages in which it occurs , till at last , I could not help loving people . . . . There is

“ You cannot effectively be a leader in the church without Christlike love for others .”