made their dreams seem impossibly far away . I was saddened by the cynicism of those adults . At the same time , their reactions put an even greater fire in me to write this book — because not even an eighty-two-yearold should be living in surrender , much less a forty-two-year-old . A life of significance always gives us something to strive for ... at any age . And it is always , always attainable as long as you look and live in the right direction . going . With that foresight , that vision , determining an Immediate Action Plan to reach their destination comes rather naturally . This entails first taking small steps in the direction of the summit to form a routine or habit .
Once a person has realized the need to fix their eyes in the right direction , they look into their hearts , find their passions — and pursue them . Crafting a life based on the truth of who they are and all that they can do , a journey specific to their attributes and what they were created to accomplish , they suddenly find the gas pedal . As they identify their talents and callings , almost nothing can hold them back .
And out of all that insight comes better foresight , a clearer view of where they ’ re
Jeff D . Reeter , pursues life by design as an entrepreneur , servant leader and author of Do Life Differently . His mission in organizational leadership is wholly developing teams of champions dedicated to excellence in serving others . He is often heard up and down the halls of his financial firm ( Northwestern Mutual ) saying , “ Seek first to serve , love , care , matter , make a difference and be a catalyst in the life of another person and see if everything else doesn ’ t work out for you .”