LEAD February 2022 | Page 27

our walks with God , struggling to know where we stand . Is this why so many of us struggle to feel freedom rather than obligation in our relationships with God ? Why some still think to be a Christ follower is to follow rules ?
Taken from When Strivings Cease by Ruth Chou Simons . Copyright 2021 by Ruth Chou Simons . Used by permission of Thomas Nelson . www . thomasnelson . com .
For so long I looked at the gift of God like the gift that came with rules and etiquette . Him , bearing down with his authority , requiring proper etiquette and a perfect two-handed , bowing reception . Me , wondering if God really loved me or if this gift was but an obligation or a display of his expectations for my good behavior . It was all rather me-centered . And it turns out , a me-centered view of anything , including one ’ s theology , is the lens through which we end up seeing the skewed ideas of never enough and forever needing selfimprovement .
All I ever really wanted — what anyone really wants — is to be worthy of a gift that comes with no strings attached . After all , a gift with an invoice due upon receipt is no gift at all .
Ruth Chou Simons is a Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning author of several books , including her newest book When Strivings Cease . She is an artist , entrepreneur , and speaker , using each of these platforms to spiritually sow the Word of God into people ’ s hearts . Through her online shoppe at GraceLaced . com and her social media community , Simons shares her journey of God ’ s grace intersecting daily life with word and art . Ruth and her husband , Troy , are grateful parents to six boys — their greatest adventure . 27