human race . The ground was cursed , women were to have pain in childbirth , and man had to work hard to make a living . But the worst consequence of man ’ s sin was that Satan usurped his authority and became the god of this world , the prince of the power of the air , and worked in the children of disobedience and walked about as a roaring lion seeking to devour ( Genesis 3:1-19 ; 2 Cor . 4:4 ; Eph 2:2 ; 1 Peter 5:8 ).
Jesus came to pay for the sins of mankind by His precious blood , becoming a substitute for us so that the death , hell and judgment that was due us would fall upon Himself . When we place our trust in Him as our Savior and Lord , then the benefits of the cross become our inheritance . We can then walk in forgiveness of sins as the righteousness of God in Christ and
walk in healing , in victory over demonic powers and in freedom from the curse in Jesus ’ name !
1 John 5:4 says , “ This is the victory that overcomes the world , even our faith .” We should have faith in which Christ has done for us on the cross . Christianity does not start with a problem and hope to God we can find an answer . It starts with the answer and ploughs through the problem . Long before we had trouble with sin , Jesus defeated it at the cross . Long before we had trouble with sickness and disease , Jesus provided healing and “ by His stripes we were healed ” ( 1 Peter 2:24 ). Long before we had trouble with Satan and demonic power , Jesus defeated him and gave us His name and authority to deal with the problem . No wonder this gospel is called the Good News !
Dr . Augustine ( Augie ) David is originally from Bangalore , India and is the Founder and President of Augie David International Ministries based in Dallas , Texas in the United States . He has traveled to over 75 nations of the world and in over 43 years of ministry has seen God ’ s Power demonstrated around the world as hundreds of thousands of people have come to salvation , healing , deliverance and transformation by God ’ s Word .