most of us tend to focus on self-preservation.
Dangerous circumstances tend to trigger a
survival-of-the-fittest mentality. Most people
focus on saving their own lives and let their
companions fend for themselves. But those
who help others during difficult times are able
to shift their perspective from victim to rescuer.
By doing so, they ensure better outcomes not
only for others but often for themselves as well.
As followers of Jesus, you and I are called on
to reject the attitude of selfishness. Even when
we go through challenging times, we are not to
turn our backs on others. Rather, God has given
us the responsibility to help people wherever
and whenever we can.
job, a difficult marriage, singleness, aging, or
a culture that is increasingly hostile to your
Christian beliefs and values. The good news is
that no matter how difficult or hopeless your
circumstances may seem right now, you can
take the necessary steps to make a better life
for yourself and for those around you.
In other words: do all the good you can, where
you can, while you can.
Like the apostle Paul, who was “always of good
courage” no matter what he faced in life, we too
can courageously face whatever evil comes our
way, knowing that the One “who delivered us
from so great a peril of death . . . will deliver us,
He on whom we have set our hope” (5:6; 1:10).
10. Do the Next Right Thing
Whenever we face difficult circumstances, we
can become overwhelmed and feel as if we
are stuck in a helpless situation from which
we cannot escape. You may not be in a literal
prison, but perhaps you feel stuck in a prison
of depression, resentment, anxiety, or fear.
Or maybe you feel trapped in a dead-end
If we believe that and never give up hope, then
no matter what comes in our lives, we will do
more than survive—we will thrive!
This adapted excerpt was taken from Courageous by Dr. Robert
Jeffress. Copyright 2020 by Dr. Robert Jeffress. Used by permission
of Baker Books.
Dr. Robert Jeffress is the senior pastor of First Baptist Dallas, a FOX
News Contributor and the author of Courageous: 10 Strategies for
Surviving in a Hostile World. Jeffress’ daily radio program, Pathway to
Victory, is heard on more than 900 stations nationwide, and his weekly
television program is seen in nearly 200 countries around the world.