the means to an end, that end being helping
people go to Heaven. And God is blessing what
we are doing! In a little over a year we have
seen hundreds choose to follow Jesus while
we we have served our community in very
practical ways such as in homeless shelters,
soup kitchens, nursing homes, and more. And I
believe that God is going to use us to do much
more. Whatever your ministry or business, I
encourage you to ask yourself what is the main
thing. Why are you doing what you’re doing?
What do you truly hope to accomplish. Then
simplify and reorganize your operations with
that goal in mind. Keeping the main thing the
main thing is the key to truly making a mark in
this world.
With an undeniable passion to equip others to experience the
future God has for them, André Butler has made it his life’s
mission to share God’s desire to prosper His people in every
area of their lives and his command for His people to do their
part in winning the world to Jesus. The Pastor of Faith Xperience
Church (FX Church) located in the heart of Downtown Detroit,
the sought-after conference speaker and host is known for his
practical and relatable approach to preaching God’s word.