• Grace Prize, Television: Jonathan Roumie
[who plays Jesus], The Chosen, Episode 8:
“I Am He”
Director Dallas Jenkins shared thoughts on
The Chosen with Kelinda Crawford, Editor in
Chief of LEAD Magazine:
Kelinda: Dallas, what part of the success of the
series is most rewarding to you personally?
Dallas: By far the most rewarding aspect is
seeing people from all over the world say that
The Chosen increased their love of scripture
and Christ. It’s just constant. We hear every day
some form of “I’ve never been more passionate
about the Bible.” And when that comes from
people who had fallen away, it’s even more
something the crew was dreading. A full week
shooting on and around water, and we also
had to pull off “the miracle of the fish” with
no fish and boats that weren’t ready until the
morning of the shoot. But God showed up and
did things that allowed us to have some of
the most exciting and powerful footage of the
show, and we’ll never forget it.
Kelinda: How can LEAD readers help The
Chosen and Vid Angel reach its goals for this
Dallas: We want to do eight seasons of The
Chosen and get seen by over a billion people. If
Game of Thrones can do it, surely the Greatest
Story Ever Told can. We don’t have a big studio
or TV network writing a big check to make it
happen, so hopefully people will help make it
happen by “paying it forward” if they love the
Kelinda: What was one of the best moments
on set during your filming?
Dallas: “Lake week” was the most challenging
week of filmmaking I’ve ever had, and it was
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