LEAD December 2024 | Page 48

But Luke tells us that Simeon waited actively for God ’ s plan to unfold . Waiting can grow our faith commitment or shrink it . For Simeon , waiting for the Messiah grew his faith until the fullness of time had come . Even in Simeon ’ s old age , his heart warmed in anticipation of the arrival of the Messiah . Active waiting causes us to remain centered on that which we seek rather than reaching for substitutes that do not satisfy . Active waiting also deepens our mental capacity to become patient as we anticipate what we most desire .
Cynicism runs rampant today . But God wants to raise up a new generation willing to actively wait , expectant that Jesus will again come . In the meantime , we are called to grow in righteousness , arranging our lives according to the ways of the coming kingdom .
When we actively wait , our minds remain steadfast , enduring the gap between expectation and reception . As we wait , we are called to battle against the mood of cynicism , immediacy , and entitlement . When we actively wait , our hearts remain emotionally loyal and not fickle like the Israelites when Moses tarried with God on the mountain . When we actively wait , our lives remain engaged in the present moment , focused on engaging acts of kindness and justice , even when we feel stuck or sense that God is distant .
Waiting and the Holy Spirit
It is important to notice that the Holy Spirit was on Simeon . That day of his encounter at the temple , Simeon didn ’ t analyze his way to Jesus . One of the gifts of active waiting is the filling of the Spirit into the empty space of our lives . When Joseph and Mary brought Jesus into the temple for dedication , it was the Spirit who opened Simeon ’ s eyes to the messianic identity of the child . Later , after Peter confessed Jesus ’ s messianic identity , Jesus told him , “ This was not revealed to you by flesh and blood , but by my Father in heaven ” ( Matthew 16:17 ). Likewise , the Spirit revealed to Simeon the identity of the child and also the fate of Mary ( see Luke 2:25 – 35 ).