LEAD December 2024 | Page 45

and your body processes them as if they are ( and responds with a huge insulin surge ). Eating grains has been linked to obesity , heart disease , type 2 diabetes , dementia , and even cancer . Recent research indicates that gluten — a protein found in grains such as wheat , barley , rye , and triticale — causes everyone ’ s gut lining to become compromised , creating what ’ s known as leaky gut syndrome and allowing particles into the bloodstream . If you eat grains , eat them infrequently , avoid gluten whenever possible , and eat organic grains and whole grains ( not their refined flours ). If you have inflammation , an autoimmune disease , a metabolic disease , high blood sugar or diabetes , digestive issues , or are trying to lose weight , consider avoiding grains altogether . may be sweet tea and Lay ’ s potato chips . This kind of intentional eating doesn ’ t have to dominate your life . Having fun with friends and food is an important part of life , too .
Adapted from A Simply Healthy Life by Caroline Fausel . Copyright © 2025 . Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers , a Division of Tyndale House Ministries . All rights reserved .
If this clean way of eating feels overwhelming to you , don ’ t be scared ! Not many people eat this way 100 percent of the time . Instead , aim to eat this way 80 percent of the time . The other 20 percent is up to you and depends on what you deem worth it . My 20 percent may be filled with chocolate cake and Mexican food . Yours
Caroline Fausel is the owner and blogger behind Olive You Whole , a successful clean-eating and lifestyle blog . She is passionate about helping women live healthier , more intentional lives . As a nationally certified health coach , she has developed a loyal community of followers who love her recipes and guidance on living a toxic-free lifestyle . Caroline is married to her college sweetheart , Chaz , and they have two precious kiddos , Ella Rae and Owen . 45