Have you ever caught yourself acting at times in polar opposites ? Maybe you are the minister who is godly , prayerful , and holy at times yet has periods of sin , doubt , and struggles with lust . Maybe you are the believer who lives a strong Christian life but has seasons of backsliding . Or maybe you are the person who is outgoing and cheerful yet falls into bouts of withdrawal and depression . The person who is hard working and a perfectionist yet has periods of lethargy and sloppiness . The person who is gentle and kind but has periods of outburst and rage . It is almost as if you are two people . This is double-mindedness , the kind of instability that manifests when you have not established yourself in God .
The Greek phrase for double-minded ( dipsuchos ) literally means “ double souled ,” from dis , meaning “ twice ,” and psuche , meaning “ mind .” Having two minds is the description of confusion . Confusion is a lack of understanding ; uncertainty , a situation of panic ; a breakdown of order .
Instability with your place in God can result in a lifetime of bad relationships . Relationships and covenants require stability . Unstable people will have a difficult time developing long-lasting , stable relationships . This affects marriages as well and is the real cause of many divorces . This instability affects families and children , who need stable parents and a stable home environment in which to grow .
Double-mindedness affects our ability to honor and stay true to covenant . Covenant requires stability , loyalty , and faithfulness . How can we walk in covenant if we are double-minded ? How can we have strong covenant relationships if we are doubleminded ?
Marriage is a covenant between a husband and a wife . Is it any wonder that we have so many divorces in and out of the church ? There are too many unstable people entering into marriages . Double-minded people will have instability in their marriages . We will continue to see troubled marriages unless double-mindedness is dealt with . With such a large number of marriages ending in divorce , it is no surprise that doublemindedness is a major problem .
There are a lot of double-minded men who are married and have children . Families need strong , steadfast men . Men are called to be the providers and protectors of the family . When trouble comes , the husband and father should be able to stand up and say , “ Honey , I got this . Don ’ t worry , baby . Children , don ’ t worry . It ’ s all right . I believe God . I pray . I bind . I loose . I take authority over the devil . I ’ m the head of my house . Devil , you cannot have my wife , my kids , or my family . You will not destroy us , because I trust in God . I am the covering . I am the head of this house .”
Yet , too frequently , we find weak , doubleminded men who let their wives go to