“... the Creator has the authority to make and break the laws of nature . The same God who made water can turn it into wine .”
in that culture . Jesus didn ’ t just save the day , He helped the couple save face . He asserted His authority over the periodic table of elements by turning the molecular structure of water into wine .
Six Lego bricks or six jars of water — same difference . There is nothing God can ’ t do ! In our hands , six jars of water are six jars of water : 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 6 . But if you put what you have in your hands into God ’ s hands , it doesn ’ t add up anymore . Now it multiplies . Those ancient urns each held up to thirty gallons of water , which translates into 757 bottles of wine ! And not just any wine , but fine wine .
How did Jesus do it ? By definition , miracles are mysteries . Hundreds of chemical reactions were involved in that transformation , but any way you distill it , that miracle involved molecules . Jesus was asserting His authority over the atoms He called into existence . Evidently , the Creator has the authority to make and break the laws of nature . The same God who made water can turn it into wine . Or walk on it . Or make a sidewalk through the sea .
I ’ m amazed by the mechanism of miracles — the how . But we must be careful not to miss the why . In this instance , it ’ s almost like Jesus was saying , “ We ’ re not done laughing . We ’ re not done celebrating . We ’ re not done playing . Party on !”
There are those who think of God as a cosmic killjoy , but nothing could be further from the truth . “ God leads a very interesting life ,” said Dallas Willard . “ Undoubtedly he is the most joyous being in the universe .” Simply put , God is pure joy ! “ All of the good and beautiful things from which we occasionally drink tiny droplets of soul-exhilarating joy , God continuously experiences in all their breadth and depth .”
All of that to say this : God is in a good mood . Is that a Pollyanna denial of pain and suffering ? Absolutely not . I have no doubt that God is heartbroken by anything less than His good , pleasing , and perfect will . But that doesn ’ t diminish His infinite capacity for joy .
It wasn ’ t until I was in my forties that I started processing painful emotions . At some point , you can ’ t repress them any longer ! With the help of counselors , I finally opened the closet of sadness . That closet is full of disappointment , but you know what I found ? There is a God who gives the oil of joy for mourning . In my experience , grief creates capacity for joy ! Or maybe I should say , sanctified grief .
“... the Creator has the authority to make and break the laws of nature . The same God who made water can turn it into wine .”
We all want to know the power of the resurrection . Sharing in his suffering ? Not so much . But it ’ s a package deal . There ’ s something about suffering that frees us , that empowers us , that helps us discover who we are and who God is . Just as bad days help us appreciate good days , sometimes pain helps us appreciate pleasure .
“ Pleasure is a divine decree that we ignore at our peril ,” said David Gibson . “ For it is precisely in