to quench . Only when we care for our souls do we find ourselves in proximity to life-giving water .
Without water , we wither . Our souls become dry . Arid . Hot . Prickly . Uncomfortable . Bordering on lifeless . Ultimately unproductive or even counterproductive .
No one intends for a wildfire to ravage their soul . It ’ s not fun . Thankfully , the destruction that tore through my parched soul was not the end of my story . Nor does it have to be the end of yours .
Some content taken from Ignite Your Soul : When Exhaustion , Isolation , and Burnout Light a Path to Flourishing by Mindy Caliguire . Copyright © 2024 . Used by permission of NavPress . All rights reserved . Represented by Tyndale House Publishers , a Division of Tyndale House Ministries .
Sometimes , in the early stages of drought , we are able to keep putting out the spot fires in our souls . One little disaster averted here , another one avoided over there . These flares pop up , and we ’ re just barely able to keep things under control . We keep telling ourselves it will all be fine , everything is fine .
Some of us can put out spot fires until something unforeseeable — a global pandemic , a job loss , a sudden death of someone we love — disrupts all our rhythms .
When a high wind sweeps into our lives , even a small spark can cause everything to go up in flames .
Mindy Caliguire is the founder and president of Soul Care ( soulcare . com ), a spiritual formation ministry that exists to increase soul health in the Body of Christ globally . She has served in executive leadership in both ministry and marketplace environments and has trained , consulted , and taught at a variety of organizations . Mindy and her growing team serve individuals and organizations around the world and support their online community , the Soul Care Collective . Mindy and her husband Jeff make their home in Boulder , Colorado . 12