LEAD December 2022 | Page 8

A Tale of Two Warriors

When the righteous cry for help , the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles . The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit . Many are the afflictions of the righteous , but the Lord delivers him out of them all . . . . The Lord redeems the life of his servants ; none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned . Psalm 34:17 – 19 , 22
I smiled gently at my wife as she gazed at me from her pillow and swiped salty tears away from her eyes . I said , “ If I am going to read this to you every day , I guess I might as well just memorize it .” I had just finished reading Psalm 34 to her for what seemed like the hundredth time that week . Emily had recently suffered a second early-term miscarriage and was grieving heavily . Falling asleep at night was particularly difficult for her . As the distractions of the day slowed and darkness enveloped the atmosphere , her questions and sorrow would pour forth . Anytime she was tempted
to question the goodness of God during this time or felt drawn toward hopelessness , she would ask me to read Psalm 34 and remind her of the truth .
So I committed Psalm 34 to memory , and my wife continued to request that I read that passage . But now , instead of reading , I could quote it to her anytime , anywhere . I will bless the Lord at all times ; his praise shall continually be in my mouth . My soul makes its boast in the Lord ; let the humble hear and be glad . Oh , magnify the Lord with me , and let us exalt his name together ! I sought the Lord , and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears . Those who look to him are radiant , and their faces shall never be ashamed . ( Psalm 34:1 – 5 )
I found myself comforting her with the words of Psalm 34 as we drove down the highway , as we took a walk in the neighborhood , or as she grappled with hearing yet another friend ’ s pregnancy announcement . As we both clung