LEAD December 2022 | Page 56

Giving our time is never “ convenient .” Giving away our time to someone or something else is always a sacrifice .
4 . Opportunities of Influence : How can we make the most of each opportunity to leverage our influence , using each one as a way to bless others and expand the kingdom ?
When you look at giving through this lens , it becomes clear that money just might be the easiest thing to give ! serving on a committee and thought , What in the world am I doing here ?

Giving our time is never “ convenient .” Giving away our time to someone or something else is always a sacrifice .

Let ’ s hone in on the first of these four areas : time . Of all the things we have to give , I think time can be the trickiest . Time is the one thing we all have in equal amounts , yet it ’ s the one thing we all seem to need more of . However , how often do we overcommit ourselves , giving our time to things we are not especially interested in or gifted at ? I can ’ t tell you how many times I ’ ve been sitting in a meeting or
Giving our time is never “ convenient .” Giving away our time to someone or something else is always a sacrifice ; there is always something else we could be doing with that time . But there can also be great rewards that come from this sacrifice . It ’ s like an investment . A financial investment costs you something up front , but then ( hopefully ) you and others can reap more than you sowed . When it comes