LEAD December 2022 | Page 40

Soul winning is also something you never stumble into ; you must be intentional .
our convenience , our comfort , and our lack of confidence .
So , as followers of Jesus , we must ask ourselves daily , “ Do we believe heaven and hell are real ? Do we believe the gospel is for everyone ? Do we believe it ’ s our job to share ? Do we even care if the people around us are spiritually lost ?”
I wish I could say that it gets easier to be a soul winner when you ’ re in ministry . However , it doesn ’ t . Personal evangelism is never something you just accidently become effective at . You have to work at it . That ’ s why Paul told young Timothy , “ But as for you , exercise self-control in everything , endure hardship , do the work of an evangelist , fulfill your ministry ” ( 2 Tim . 4:5 ).

Soul winning is also something you never stumble into ; you must be intentional .

Soul winning is also something you never stumble into ; you must be intentional . There has to be an on-purpose and on-mission intentionality to being a soul winner yourself and a desire to duplicate it in others . So here are some practical ways to be intentional about being a soul winner and how to disciple others to do the same .
Cover Your Life in Prayer Prayer is the fuel for every aspect of the Christian life , including evangelism . That ’ s why a whole chapter in this book is dedicated to being men and women of prayer . Evangelism comes from two Greek words : euaggelion , which means “ a good message , or gospel ,” and euaggelizo , which means “ to announce , declare , bring , or preach this good news .” The act of evangelism is a work of declaring the goodness of God to a world that desperately needs him . It ’ s impossible to do the work of God effectively without God being at the center of that work . Prayer in evangelism is realizing and acting on the truth that nothing can be done without him . Lord , we desperately need you to do what only you can do — win souls .
There are a few rare supernatural stories that I ’ ve heard missionaries share about people coming to know Jesus through dreams or visions before the intentional work of the gospel was brought by believers to unreached people groups . However , most people who surrender their lives to Jesus for salvation do so because of the direct result of being prayed for by Christians , who were deeply burdened for them . In fact , you ’ re most likely the result of loved ones praying for you to know Jesus , love Jesus , and follow Jesus in obedience to the calling he has placed on your life .
If you ’ re going to be a soul winner , you must be a prayer warrior . Pray for spiritually lost people by name . Pray for a spiritual awakening in your circle of influence , in your city , in your nation , and in other nations . Pray for gospel opportunities in your daily life to point people to Jesus . Then pray for yourself . Pray and ask the Lord for spiritual eyes to see the opportunities he is providing . Then ask him for obedience , faith , and confidence to walk through those doors of gospel opportunities when he opens them . If you pray for God to