LEAD December 2022 | Page 38

Being Soul Winners

There was about a year time gap between the moment I ( Shane ) started praying about going to Bible college and the actual time I moved to Dallas , Texas , to start the first semester .
I was working in a warehouse and made quick friends with a guy named Brandon . Our workstations were right next to each other , and for the entire year we ’ d eat lunch and take breaks together . I was a brand-new Christian at the time , and in my own estimation was “ on fire for Jesus .” My wardrobe on most days would consist of jeans , sneakers , and some sort of Christian T-shirt . Also , most of the time I had worship music playing in my work area , or DC Talk ’ s Jesus Freak . So , in my mind , I thought I was living on mission and being a soul winner because I had Christian swag on and was listening to Jesus music . However , the problem was that I never opened my mouth to tell Brandon about Jesus .
For an entire year , I had plenty to say about things that didn ’ t really matter — sports , movies , and hobbies . But I had nothing to say about the only thing that truly mattered — the gospel . Toward the end of that year , Brandon came to work on a Monday morning with a big grin on his face . It was 8:00 a . m ., and the first thing he said to me was , “ Shane , aren ’ t you a Christian ?” ( Isn ’ t it sad that he had to ask ?) I replied , “ Yeah , man . I am . What ’ s up ?” He continued to tell me that he went to church the day before to watch his nephew get baptized , heard the gospel preached , and was given a clear invitation . Then he said , “ Shane ! I am