LEAD December 2022 | Page 34

Again , there is no hint that Christians can simply refuse to receive these things or can bind them in the power of Jesus ’ s name . These are not just possibilities for the future of planet earth and his people , but rather events guaranteed to happen . Some situations in our lives can be turned around by the prayer of faith . But we need to accept that other events foretold by God himself are inevitable . We can only prepare both ourselves and our people for them . As Paul said , “ So be on your guard !” ( Acts 20:31 ).
The second lesson is that we should not be knocked off balance by news that hardship is coming . And we should teach the flock the same .
Will evil continue to spread across the earth ? Will people continue to succeed in their wicked schemes ? Of course . But does that mean we can ’ t effectively evangelize ? That there can ’ t be spiritual revival in our churches ? Won ’ t God do wonderful things among us if we humble ourselves and pray ? Of course he will .
Our goal is not to defeat secular humanism or attempt to make America a holy nation . There is only one holy nation , and that is the church of Jesus Christ . Let ’ s aim for winning souls one at a time . And let ’ s remember the words Mary spoke to the servants at the wedding in Cana : “ Do whatever he tells you ” ( John 2:5 ). Now we are his servants ; and if we obey his directions , we will see his supernatural power at work again .
Let ’ s also remember that we ’ re going home soon . Then it will all be over . No more sin ,