LEAD December 2022 | Page 12

The Wrong Fuel for Your Road Trip to Greatness

Stephen Chandler

There is no direct flight to greatness . It ’ s a road trip . The journey is always by land , and stops to fuel up are mandatory , whether your vehicle runs on gas , electricity , biodiesel , or whatever . It requires perseverance , a reliable map , and , if you ’ re on the road with others , patience and a sense of humor .
Don ’ t get me wrong , though . It doesn ’ t have to be miserable . Even the stops can be refreshing — depending on where you stop for fuel and what you put in the tank . We are all fueled by something . And what fuels you matters .
Here ’ s a thought that sometimes keeps me up at night : The wrong fuel can offer breakneck progress in the short term . I mean , fill up your gas tank with rocket fuel , and you ’ ll get somewhere very , very fast — it just may not be where you want to go , and you likely won ’ t be in one piece when you get there .
The problem with the wrong fuel is that it always takes more than it gives .
In fact , the faster and farther you go on the wrong fuel , the bigger the fallout when your engine blows up .
Fear For a long time , fear was one of the main fuels for my pursuit of greatness . Fear of failure . Fear of letting others down . Fear of disappointment . Fear that I wasn ’ t smart enough , gifted enough , or disciplined enough to accomplish great things .