Capable does not always equal called . Can does not always equal should . Just because it ’ s logical , that doesn ’ t mean it ’ s the Lord ’ s .
Teach + Lead
If God has called you to teach , please teach . Some must teach because others need to be taught . If God calls you to lead , please lead ! Some must lead because others need to be led . But at the end of the day , siblings always fall short when they try to be the parent . So instead of trying to overstep our God-given role , we will be much more effective for one another when our goal is to serve God and others as a spiritual sister versus attempting to lead as a spiritual superior .
Excerpt from “ Chapter 10 : Serve | Lead ” in She Works His Way by Michelle Myers & Somer Phoebus provided by Bethany House Publishers , a division of Baker Publishing Group Copyright 2021 . Used by permission .
Michelle Myers is an author , entrepreneur , and motivator . Michelle launched she works His way to pour God ’ s truth into the lives of women in ministry and business . She is the author of Famous in Heaven & at Home . Michelle lives in North Carolina with her husband , two sons , and a daughter .
Somer Phoebus is a brick-and-mortar business lover , productivity expert , and pastor ’ s wife . She is part of the swHw leadership team . In addition to an early career in fashion and retail , Somer started and sold two fitness studios . Somer lives in Maryland with her husband and two daughters .