LEAD December 2021 | Page 28

Discipleship can never be tainted with a controlling , domineering spirit . In fact , the word disciple literally means “ learner ,” and it ’ s from this attitude that the leader must lead . Leadership in God ’ s kingdom is not about telling other people what to do . It ’ s about serving others for their joy .
“ But we were gentle among you , like a nursing mother taking care of her own children ” ( 1 Thessalonians 2:7 ). As an expert disciplemaker , Paul was casting vision , clarifying motive , and taking a humble posture , but then he quickly introduced family language .
The point Paul was trying to make is that discipleship works only through the framework of family . A family sticks together through the good and the bad . A family loves , even when you ’ re a little crazy . A family forgives often and learns from one another . No one is above admitting that they are wrong . This is the heartbeat of healthy discipleship .
Jesus taught that the family of God is a deeper , longer-lasting connection than even our blood family ( Matthew 12:48 – 50 ). This family framework should profoundly influence the way you lead . We don ’ t give up on people when their lives fall off the rails . We forgive again and again . We tolerate one another ’ s annoying tendencies , and in the process , we learn to love like family .
“ So , being affectionately desirous of you , we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves , because you had become very dear to us ” ( 1 Thessalonians 2:8 ). This is my favorite part of the entire passage . It ’ s so honest and compelling . Paul told his disciples that his commitment to them went far beyond communicating a message . His commitment was dangerous . He was risking his heart because he had given his disciples his very self .
You simply can ’ t make disciples without putting your heart on the line , because discipleship is not just passing along helpful lessons . In order to effectively make disciples , you have to let yourself care , which means becoming vulnerable .
“ For you remember , brothers , our labor and toil : we worked night and day , that we might not be a burden to any of you , while we pro- claimed to you the gospel of God . You are witnesses , and God also , how holy and righteous and blameless was our conduct toward you believers ” ( 1 Thessalonians 2:9 – 10 ).
Paul didn ’ t just teach these people ; he also worked himself into a sweat , and he let them see it . He lived in a holy way when it looked like no one was watching . If you got close to Paul , you wouldn ’ t find a cheap facade full of good slogans but little substance . You would see a man who lived what he believed .
There is nothing more compelling in life than a man who lives what he professes in the unseen moments of life . It ’ s no wonder Paul left a vast congregation of disciples in his wake .
“ For you know how , like a father with his children , we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God , who calls you into his own kingdom and glory ” ( 1 Thessalonians 2:11 – 12 ). Paul was always encouraging , and he