LEAD December 2021 | Page 23

As a radio host , I ’ ve heard countless stories from Christian leaders who ’ ve shared about their wandering ways . One man was at a party with a drink in his hand when he heard the whisper , “ Is this really how you want to live ? I have better plans for you .” He put down his drink , walked away from the party lifestyle , and came running back to God .
Which brings us to Jesus ’ third illustration for the Pharisees : the prodigal son story . In the first two illustrations , the owner searches fervently for the lost . In this illustration , the father waits expectantly for his return . Both ideas represent the Father ’ s heart . He ’ s both pursuing those who wander and waiting expectantly for their return . He doesn ’ t force His way on us . He works and He waits while we go along our way . forever with Him in eternity . What if we pursued the lost as fervently , waited as expectantly , and celebrated as wildly as the angels in heaven ?
Be of good cheer this season . Jesus is on a rescue mission . He will search out the nooks and crannies of this world to shepherd His children back to His heart .
Excerpt from “ Day 15 : Jesus Pursues the Wanderer ” in Prepare Him Room by Susie Larson , pp . 112 – 116 , provided by Bethany House Publishers , a division of Baker Publishing Group Copyright 2021 . Used by permission .
In all three scenarios , Jesus makes a point to describe the party in heaven when one lost soul repents and turns to Jesus . Picture confetti , cheers , celebration , and feasts . All for the one . Every heart matters to Jesus . That ’ s why He came , why He lived , why He endured a torturous death , and why He blew the doors off the grave — to make a way for us to spend
Susie Larson is a talk radio host , national speaker , and bestselling author . In both 2016 and 2017 Susie was nominated and voted into the top ten groups for the National John Maxwell Leadership Award . Susie has been married to her dear husband Kevin since 1985 and together they have three wonderful sons , three beautiful daughters-in-law , two beautiful grandchildren , and one adorable pit bull named Memphis . Susie ’ s passion is to see women everywhere awakened to the value of their soul , the depth of God ’ s love , and the height of their calling in Christ Jesus . 23