LEAD. December 2020 | Page 58

second time , and Jesus ’ s words flashed through Peter ’ s mind : “ Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times .” Peter broke down and wept ( see vv . 70 – 72 ).
Scrooge , too , gets a little overheated . When an innocent boy stands at the door to offer a sweet Christmas carol , Scrooge charges out , brandishing a ruler like a whip , sending the offending songsters to scatter in the snow . Their song is Scrooge ’ s cock-crow . But where Peter ’ s reaction is swift — he breaks down , weeping — well , Scrooge isn ’ t quite there yet .
He says to his long-suffering clerk , Bob Cratchit :
“ You ’ ll want all day to-morrow , I suppose ?” “ If quite convenient , sir .” “ It ’ s not convenient ,” said Scrooge , “ and it ’ s not fair . If I was to stop half-a-crown for it , you ’ d think yourself ill used , I ’ ll be bound ?” The clerk smiled faintly .
Look there for a moment . “ The clerk smiled faintly .” Cratchit has just observed this man , his boss , insulting the lovable Fred , speaking a death wish upon the poor , and threatening violence to a child singing a blessing to Merry Gentlemen . And yet , Cratchit smiles , because he knows — deep down — that Scrooge will relent .
Jesus always knew what Peter would become to him . To his followers and his church . Even before those pesky moments of denial , Jesus said to him , “ And I tell you , you are Peter , and on this rock I will build my church , and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it ” ( Matt . 16:18 ).
Can you even imagine how wonderful life would be — how reassuringly simple and stress-free — If we could have such a conversation with Jesus ? If he could look us in the eye and say , “ This is who you are , and THIS is who you will be .” But even in those moments when we feel so far , far away from his voice , when we ’ re mired in