LEAD. December 2020 | Page 49

with others in unity . The anointing and blessings will flow down on you , your family , and your ministry or business .
It is not my intention to attack other churches , but the reason many of them do not experience the supernatural is because the spirit of unity is absent . The supernatural cannot manifest in chaos and confusion , which is why the enemy fights so hard against unity . When people have their own agenda and want things their way , they become involved in gossip , quarreling , and disagreement . However , when God finds unity , He commands the blessing . He releases the anointing that causes burdens to be removed and yokes to be destroyed .
Resist strife and chaos , and God will command blessings on your life . There are some things you do not have to pray for when you are in unity because God ’ s blessing is on your life . The blessing will not be withheld from you when you are on one accord . Choose to walk in unity even if another person chooses to be in strife with you . If the person does not want to let an issue go or befriend you again , do your best to stay in unity regardless of their attitude .
“ The body of Christ is a part of God ’ s army and each member is important because we need each other .”
Unity means : the state of being of one ; united ; oneness or singleness . It means the quality of being one in spirit ; sentiment and purpose . Unity implies oneness in spirit , aim , or interests . The term “ one accord ” flows in the same way as unity and means : to be in agreement ; harmony or mutual agreement . God ’ s plan is for harmony to be present because unity brings people together . Unity is like a symphony with all the different instruments playing in harmony . God wants the body of Christ , your family , and relationships to be harmonious like a symphony .
The body of Christ is a part of God ’ s army and each member is important because we need each other . If you are not in harmony with others , the enemy is able to keep you from doing what God has called you to do . He has given you gifts and talents , but you cannot be effective using them by yourself . When you come into unity and put your gifts together with someone else ’ s gifts , then you will be effective in everything you do .
The biggest enemy to the church , your family and your future , is contention and strife that would cause the supernatural power of God to be blocked . My wife , Brenda and I pastor not just our local church but churches across the world , in addition to mentoring leaders , and therefore the enemy sees us as a target . We have been able to overcome the attacks the enemy has thrown at us because Brenda is a peacemaker and understands the significance of protecting the anointing which flows down to our family , as well as to our church .
When unity is absent in any area , destruction is inevitable . The spirit of strife , confusion and self-ambition are the tools the enemy uses to interrupt what God has planned . God has so much He wants to manifest in your life , but you must fight to stay right . Maybe you have been through a betrayal , or another type of hurtful situation . I encourage you to let go of the hurt