What ' s the Shelf LiFe of a Leader ? By Dr . Randall Spence
We all are well aware that groceries , medicine and a host of other things have a shelf life . Typically an expiration date on the packaging clues us in to when something will go bad . If you ’ re like me , especially when it comes to things like milk and bread , I always look for the expiration date and choose the one that will last the longest .
Like milk and bread , I believe that we as leaders also have an expiration date . If you believe in divine calling and that God has a will for our lives and ministries , then perhaps you will agree with me that there is a time “ to come ” as well as a time “ to go .” Over the course of my life I have held many roles : associate pastor , senior pastor , CEO of a long-term healthcare organization , and I am currently a state minister . In every one of these positions , there were powerful calls to come and also distinct calls to leave . Knowing both when to come and when to go is one of life ’ s greatest challenges .
Deuteronomy 34 tells the story of Moses ’ death . Verses 10-12 say :
Since then , no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses , whom the Lord knew face to face , who did all those miraculous signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt — to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to the whole land . For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel . ( NIV )
Thus ends the story of Moses , the greatest leader Israel has even known . We then move into Joshua 1 where Moses protégé , Joshua , assumes leadership of the people . Joshua 1:1- 2 says :