LEAD. December 2020 | Page 13

Competent to Lead By Juan R . Sanchez

Just two weeks before writing this article , news spread of yet another well-known pastor falling from grace due to disqualifying sin . Sadly , it ’ s a common occurrence , but it would be reductionistic to identify a single cause behind this pandemic of pastoral disqualifications . And yet , one evident reason is our proclivity to promote competency without properly evaluating character . We identify young leaders with tremendous gifts , magnetic personalities , and raw talent , then give them a platform before they ’ re ready . Sure , sometimes it works out ! But too often we ’ re left to deal with the aftershock of yet another fallen Christian leader .
Still , the answer to pastoral disqualification is not to promote character and neglect competency . While the Bible emphasizes character over competency , it also requires that the Lord ’ s servant must present himself to God “ as one approved , a worker who has no need to be ashamed , rightly handling the word of truth ” ( 2 Timothy 2:15 ). Pastoral ministry is no different than any other vocation . As Christians , whatever the Lord may call us to do , we are to do as unto him ( Colossians 3:17 , 23-24 ). That ’ s why pastors and church leaders much be competent . But how may we encourage competency without compromising character ?