LEAD August 2024 | Page 60

the disarray . But in that moment , I had a bold and honest look at the fence line with eyes that were being trained to see the beauty of what ’ s inside of it , not outside .
What if this is freedom ?
She never would have called this freedom , that twentysomething girl who had places to go and didn ’ t yet know she might not be able to get there . This would have been her bondage , this mess of a life — not the elements of it but its limitations . grows . Ever so slowly we learn to exchange our narrative for His — that our home isn ’ t
here ; our home is Him . This isn ’ t sermonlearning . It takes a life sequestered inside the fence line to find home .
Taken from The Gift of Limitations by Sara Hagerty . Copyright © March 2024 by Zondervan . Used by permission of Zondervan , www . zondervan . com .
But time , and God , and grieving and healing , and healing and grieving , have been making me into someone who knows that the boundaries also contain wild flowers and zinnias and hummingbirds and soft grass . And freedom .
It ’ s reverse technology : growing young makes a person wise and old . Being pigtailed and held — unsure of what tomorrow holds but sure of this single moment , alert to it and subject to trust within it — is how a person
Sara Hagerty is a bestselling author and speaker who has found the significance of words whispered in hidden places as conversation with and worship to God as well as written in tearful honesty and shared with her readers . Today Sara ’ s words offer God ’ s hope to readers facing unexpected life circumstances . 60