LEAD August 2024 | Page 51

faith , and what he sees , through the mist of his tears , is a rainbow . He comes to believe that the promise is true : Tears are not forever . There will be a morning without them . His faith lays hold of the promise and , mysteriously , he finds that pain has been exchanged for joy . If he had closed his heart and indulged his feelings , he might have found some miserably meager happiness , but he would have forfeited the joy .
“ If God loves me , He ’ ll make me happy .” Well , yes and no . Happy isn ’ t the word , really . It ’ s joy , a far better thing . Not sentiment , not mere “ feeling good ,” but something that can never be taken away .
Excerpted from The Path of Loneliness by Elisabeth Elliot © 2001 . Used by permission of Revell , a division of Baker Publishing Group . http :// www . bakerpublishinggroup . com
Elisabeth Elliot ( 1926-2015 ) was one of the most perceptive and popular Christian writers of the last century . The author of more than twenty books , including Passion and Purity , The Journals of Jim Elliot , and These Strange Ashes , Elliot offered guidance and encouragement to millions of readers worldwide . 51