LEAD August 2024 | Page 44

Why Don ’ t I Feel Like Myself Anymore ? Sarah Bragg

“ I ’ ve lost my sparkle ,” I sighed . “ My face used to light up , and I just don ’ t feel like it does anymore . My hair used to have bounce , and it doesn ’ t anymore . I used to be able to lose five pounds , and I can ’ t anymore .”
A friend in a similar stage of life nodded in agreement . By the time I finished my lament , I told her that I was just going to call my next book I ’ ve Lost My Sparkle : Why Don ’ t I Feel Like Myself Anymore ?
Because at night , when I toss and turn over my lost sparkle , I wonder ,
Why don ’ t I feel like myself anymore ?
Friends in midlife , this is where we reside . We are solidly here . Midlife is real . Everything has changed , from our bodies to our jobs to our relationships . From what I ’ ve read , it ’ s common to feel this way during this season of life . In fact , as many as 70 percent of women in this stage say they feel “ invisible .” Do you know what happens when we feel invisible ? Sometimes we withdraw . We say no to more social outings . We fear what people will think if we show up as our ordinary and unremarkable selves . The result ? We miss out on important points of connection .
Did you ever judge those who were going through midlife crises ? When I was in