LEAD August 2024 | Page 36

“ Our churches should be the one place sheep can gather to unload some of our weight , yet it seems as if even more is added to our load there .”
the next big worship leader or world-traveling evangelist .
Like the sheep in my dream , these staff members or volunteers are pure hearted , innocent , and completely oblivious that an enemy is among them . Then one day , without warning , the wolf exposes himself . Perhaps through narcissistic leadership , abuse , manipulation , intimidation , or subtle toxic management strategy , the innocent sheep are exposed to the wolf hiding in plain sight . The weight of the disappointment , betrayal , and frustration is too much for many of our staff and they would rather quit than contend for a healthy culture .

“ Our churches should be the one place sheep can gather to unload some of our weight , yet it seems as if even more is added to our load there .”

Are you wondering why your staff culture is dismal and good people keep leaving ?
• They have been labeled gossips or divisive in the past for reporting anything negative against leadership .
• They have seen that accountability and repercussions will vary depending on who it is and their title .
• They have watched their peers lose positions , platform , or respect for addressing difficult situations .
• They have seen abusers promoted and talent trump character .
Pastors tell me they want to know what is happening under their roof . It saddens them when they find out their staff doesn ’ t feel safe or believe their voices are valued . But it baffles me how few senior pastors actually know their staff due to insulating themselves , and it ’ s only getting worse as churches get bigger and more campus locations are added . Senior leaders heavily rely on team leads and other high-level leaders to mentor and disciple newer employees . Too many pastors hire individuals who can put out fires but at the risk of harming their sheep . They are okay with high turnover if it doesn ’ t expose the cracks in their foundation . But that means the pastor must have a good understanding of who is shepherding their staff .
The solution is for pastors , elders , and senior leaders to listen to their staff — those who are in trenches they can ’ t see , with people they don ’ t know , in conversations they can ’ t hear . Leaders with the power to make change would learn so much by taking their people to lunch , assuring them they are safe , their words confidential , and their hearts trusted . Ask their permission to go deep into difficult questions even if you ’ re afraid their response might be hard to receive . We can show them we are a safe place , and even after they use their voice in hard conversations , we can maintain a healthy relationship that doesn ’ t bring shame to them for using it .
God has given us a strategy for war against a very strategic enemy , and He has trained our hands to fight and overcome an enemy with a very weak battle plan . These wolves , though they look like flesh and blood , are an evil