LEAD August 2024 | Page 19

If you ’ ve been frantically saying to yourself , “ I don ’ t have enough time ,” then begin taking it back — one hour at a time . For enjoying lazy days and forging new hobbies , for falling in love with people and places and projects that matter to you . For carving out spaces free from the noise , for scrapping the sense of obligation that says you should always be in attendance and deciding to just stay back this time . Take it back for chances to show up at someone else ’ s door . Take it back for going places without your phone . Take it back for all the things you always wanted to do , the things you stopped doing when the pace got too fast , the overload exhausted you , and your spirit became weary from too much noise . It ’ s not too late to take it back . No , it ’ s not too late .
Taken from The unplugged Hours by Hannah Brencher . Copyright 2024 by Zondervan . Used by permission of Zondervan , www . zondervan . com .
Take your time .
Take your time .
Take your time .
Hannah Brencher is a writer , TED speaker , and entrepreneur . She founded The World Needs More Love Letters , a global community dedicated to sending letter bundles to those who need encouragement . Named as one of the White House ’ s “ Women Working to Do Good ,” Hannah has been featured in the Wall Street Journal , Oprah , Glamour , USATODAY . com , the Chicago Tribune , and more . She lives in Atlanta with her husband , Lane , and daughter Novalee . 19