LEAD August 2021 | Page 9

Politics can be an ugly word because our Founders did not set up “ politicians ,” they set up stewards who were public servants . Over time , we elected professional politicians instead of public servants and the negative consequences are evident in our country today .
This Christian nation was established on godly principles . We are the nation that has propagated the Gospel to the entire world , like no other nation has ever done .
Even though we are a republic , like some other nations , our government is unique in that it was founded on godly principles by people who wanted to honor biblical concepts . There were some laws and practices that were unjust and needed to be corrected , but until recently the right has far outweighed the wrong . Because of ignorance , the wrong is now beginning to outweigh the right ; the moral principles that were once a standard are gradually being abandoned .
Those who believe differently than we do often want Christians to stay in their churches and be quiet . Evil always wants good to stay silent .
Evil likes to work in the dark , in sneaky and silent ways , so it can gain ground without recognition . Much of the damage done to our educational system was done secretively , otherwise it might have been exposed and dealt with .
We cannot stay quiet any longer and expect to retain our remaining rights .
How can a society survive when its support system has been compromised ? What is society ’ s support system in a healthy nation ?
Following are the three essential parts of a support system — the elements of America ’ s support system when we were a healthier nation :
• First , the support system that established America as a society and developed it into a healthy nation all began with the family . When a baby ( a member of society ) is born into a healthy family where it is welcomed , loved , cherished , nourished , cared for and properly taught , it is on its way to becoming a part of a healthy society .
• The second element that produced a healthy nation was a healthy church . This is where a child grows and matures through the knowledge of God ’ s Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit . In this atmosphere , a child learns to apply God ’ s principles to his or her decisions and becomes a strong addition to a healthy society .
• Third , a healthy society was built upon a healthy educational system . It is here where the same principles learned in a healthy home and church are taught and applied in academia . This guarantees that a young person has a solid spiritual and secular foundation that will establish and solidify a healthy society .