LEAD August 2021 | Page 45

This was your theology , you could support it with the Bible , and , at times , you even saw miracles that confirmed what you believed . Then you came down with a chronic , debilitating condition , and no matter what you did – praying , taking authority over the sickness , rebuking the devil , receiving anointed prayer – you were not healed . What happened to the promises ? What happened to your God ?
Or maybe you went through something even more extreme . Maybe you watched your own child die of cancer . Or you lost a close loved one to a tragic , painful disease . What happened to mountain-moving faith ? What happened to the power of the Spirit ? What happened to the promises ?
Now , it would be easy for me to say , “ Actually , the days of healing and miracles are over .” But that would not be true . God still heals today , and the days of miracles are far from over . In fact , around the world , there are millions of miracles of healing and deliverance experienced by ordinary people after other ordinary followers of Jesus prayed for them in His name .