city ) get to learn in those precious 134 hours on the road . Or New Yorkers in 117 hours and Philadelphia residents in 114 hours each year . 6
The Bible says , “ Study to shew thyself approved ” ( 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV ). You can no longer justify your excuse for not learning by saying you don ’ t have time . Just turn your car into a classroom . The late UCLA basketball coach John Wooden said , “ If I am through learning , I am through .” 7 Success is the result of just a few small disciplines practiced daily . This is one that will speed up your results .
There ’ s an inspiring story in the Bible about Joseph , who had an incredible dream and a remarkable life . He saved an entire nation . He set up a legacy for his family . The short version is this : As a young man around seventeen , Joseph had a dream , and he communicated it to his brothers . They got extremely jealous , threw him into a pit , and then sold him into slavery .
Thirteen long years went by without seeing his brothers or his brothers seeing him . Until one day when Joseph ’ s family experienced a severe famine . They didn ’ t have any food , and they heard there was plenty in Egypt , so they decided to humble themselves and go ask for food .
My friend Joel Sims pointed out his interpretation of this scripture , and I want to share it with you . After thirteen years “ although Joseph recognized his brothers , they did not recognize him ” ( Genesis 42:8 ). Think about that . More than a decade went by , and Joseph looked at his brothers and instantly recognized one by one who they were . How can that be ? Joel says it ’ s because they were exactly the same . The brothers looked right into Joseph ’ s eyes , and none of them identified him as their own blood . Why ? Because he had changed . He grew . He matured . Joseph was not the same kid they threw in the pit that day . But nothing about the brothers had changed .