LEAD April 2024 | Page 45

“ You can ’ t fill your mind with negative input and expect to live a positive life .“
The car drove a little smoother after that day .
What am I saying ? The most successful people in the world go to “ automobile university .” They use their drive time to listen and learn . They grow as they go — everywhere . It could be five minutes to drop off their dry cleaning or thirty minutes to the office . It could be waiting in line to pick up their kids at school or waiting for a train to pass — they utilize every opportunity to grow , learn , and improve their mindset for success . Tom Corley wrote in his book Rich Habits that 63 percent of wealthy people listen to audio books during their commutes to work . 2
This is by far the easiest habit to adopt into your current routine to drastically change your thinking and retrain your mind . It requires very little effort on your part , but the results are some of the most rewarding .
As I shared how this habit began years ago while cleaning my house , I purposefully got my hands on some encouraging audio messages that I could listen to consistently . Your thinking must change for your life to change . Everything gets its start in the mind . In theory that ’ s great , but how do you renew your mind ? Again , the number one method God has given us to start this practice is found in Romans 10:17 : “ Faith comes by hearing , and hearing by the word of God ” ( NKJV ).
As I mentioned in part 2 , I was not disciplined so I needed all the help I could get and the reminders I could find to keep me on track . My hot pink Post-it Note with the words push Play stuck on my bathroom mirror was my first step in developing this life-changing habit .
This morning ritual inspired me to seize every opportunity I could find to hear more . I was getting smarter every time I drove my little girl to school , loaded the dishwasher , folded the laundry , made the beds , deposited my paycheck at the bank , and went to and from work while everybody else was singing their favorite songs .
My mind has truly been renewed and my life has been improved in phenomenal ways due to this elementary habit that requires a minimal amount of discipline . You don ’ t have to allocate time on your schedule . You don ’ t have to stop what you ’ re doing . You don ’ t even have to force yourself to exert more energy than you ’ re currently expending . You just use your pointer and middle finger and press the little arrow-shaped button until you hear something audible . Ha ! It ’ s mindboggling what those two fingers can produce in your life .
You ’ ve probably heard the phrase that whatever isn ’ t feeding you is depleting you . You can ’ t fill your mind with negative input and expect to live a positive life . Every time you hear God ’ s Word , your faith grows . Faith is what you desperately need to live your dreams . Faith is the “ medicine ” required to overcome your fears . If your fears are stopping you from your dreams , push Play .

“ You can ’ t fill your mind with negative input and expect to live a positive life .“