world thinks Guy # 2 is a loser who needs to grow up .
Maybe he ’ s handsome and drives a Maserati . Doesn ’ t matter .
Why ?
Because every woman loves a man who takes responsibility . Guy # 2 doesn ’ t take responsibility . He is Passive Man .
Guy # 1 takes responsibility not only for himself but for someone he doesn ’ t even know . Again , taking responsibility is the very essence of masculinity .
In Jesus , of course , we get a brilliant Taking responsibility example of masculinity in so
many ways is the very essence of ( We ’ ll talk later about Jesus ’ master class masculinity . on how to treat women .) He is described as the second Adam , the one we need who takes responsibility for the world . He ’ s the absolute opposite of passive . Let ’ s recap :
Every woman admires a man who does things in real life .
She is not impressed by a man who rescues an entire virtual division in Call of Duty .
She is very impressed by a man who is willing to risk his own life for the right cause .
Every woman loves a man who rises above the crowd of do-nothings . Guy # 1 does this literally , of course . But think about it .