pick my battles . What were my top priorities for my family ? What was the best we could do with what we had ? I knew that I had to prioritize relationships over perfection , so I landed on my two biggest parameters ( aside from obvious physical and emotional safety standards ): my kids eat real food , and we don ’ t allow excessive screen time . I decided to be lenient on everything else for the sake of my sons having warm relationships with their grandparents .
My parents like to spoil my kids with gum and candy because they don ’ t usually get those things at home . I used to purchase treats I ’ m okay with and give them to my parents to have on hand . Now my parents are more accustomed to our crunchy ways , and they search out those things on their own . This approach definitely takes more time and effort up front , but remember : you don ’ t become really very crunchy immediately . The more you insist on healthy changes and actively assist in those changes , over time , your wishes ( hopefully ) will be understood and accepted .
Emily Morrow is the creator of Really Very Crunchy , a viral social media presence with more than two million followers . She and her husband , Jason , have traveled the world together , creating video content for the last fifteen years . Emily has a love of different cultures , people who think differently , and things that grow from the earth . 38