When Your Family Isn ’ t
Hopefully your person is open to listening to what ’ s important to you . You don ’ t have to make all the changes all at once , especially when doing so affects another person . Start with things that make a huge difference with very little sacrifice . For example , filtered water is a hot topic in the crunchy community . The taste of water isn ’ t going to change much based on what filter you choose , so that ’ s an area that won ’ t feel like a huge sacrifice to those around you , but drinking water is an important thing you want to make sure is clean . Scientists have found that around the country , tap water contains tons of yucky contaminants such as plastics , hormones , heavy metals , and pharmaceuticals . Most people would agree that water shouldn ’ t contain those things . Start easy .
A few other changes that might be relatively easy for “ your person ” to make include :
• Switching to a deodorant that doesn ’ t contain aluminum ( not everyone is ready to ditch it altogether and use a little bit of freshly squeezed lime juice — even my husband has his limits )
• Switching from nonstick cookware that has forever chemicals to cast iron or stainless steel
• Swapping conventional laundry detergent for a fragrance-free , dye-free , all-natural laundry detergent
• Replacing inflammatory cooking oils with olive oil , coconut oil , butter , or lard
• Replacing conventional cola with a probiotic cola ( yes , it exists ), carbonated