LEAD April 2024 | Page 11

be moved no matter what , whether they ’ re navigating one of the biggest challenges they ’ ve ever faced or a shocking shift , an unexpected transition , or a dark night of the soul . I had one friend who , in the middle of some of her greatest pain , said , “ Where else would I go ? What else would I do ? Jesus is my everything .” Does that mean that the road was peaceful and easy ? No . Quite the opposite . Her pursuit of Jesus was what kept her from shattering into a thousand tiny pieces in her darkest hour . Her unwavering love of God was constant even when nothing or no one else was . and set you apart . We finish our race on this earth not by coming in first but by staying in our lane and enduring until the end .
Excerpt from Braving Change by Andi Andrew , Baker Books , a division of Baker Publishing Group , used by permission . www . bakerpublishinggroup . com
We have the ability to make powerful choices that cause us to welcome growth and trust where God is leading us . These are choices that no one else can make for us but that we must continually choose to make for ourselves . The decision to keep showing up doesn ’ t just happen . When your Red Sea stands in front of you , or when leaving all you ’ ve ever known is the right choice , or when you ’ re left picking up the pieces , wondering what just happened , the choice to persevere will transform you
Andi Andrew is the host of the Coffee with Andi podcast and the author of four books , including She Is Free , Fake or Follower , and Friendship--It ’ s Complicated . Andi is a heartfelt preacher who loves to see the reality of the gospel worked out in our everyday lives . Previously a copastor with her husband , Paul , of a family of churches they planted in New York City in 2010 , Andi is currently focused on raising her kids , writing , creating , and investing in local churches and in lives around the world , including serving her local church community , Seacoast Church in Charleston , South Carolina . She and Paul have four children . 11