most . Your husband will lose weight faster than you because he is designed with more lean muscle mass and carries testosterone that aids his metabolism differently than yours . Those medications your doctor swears will prevent you from losing weight are rarely the only inhibitor to your success . The waif look of cover models does not necessarily mean they are living their best lives . No amount of wishful thinking will burn more calories . Be open to trying again , learning from your mistakes , and having the hope that change is possible , because with God , all things are possible .
swimming , and soon enough you will find that the only thing worth comparing is how much better you feel now than when you started your journey .
Excerpt from Food Triggers by Amber Lia provided by Bethany House , a division of Baker Publishing Group . Copyright 2022 . Used by permission .
Make small , habitual changes , like memorizing Psalm 139:14 , so your mindset shifts when you begin to compare yourself to others . Take a social media fast for a month while you begin your new health journey so you can stay in your lane . Educate yourself on why your body may be responding differently to food than it used to . But whatever you do , do not give in to the despair of comparison . Remember that God made you uniquely and wonderfully . As long as we have breath , we have the opportunity to fail in the right direction , moving toward progress . Keep
Amber Lia is an independent certified health coach who has been on her own transformative health journey . She has written and coauthored several books , including her latest , Food Triggers . A former high-school English teacher , Amber is a sought-after mentor for women and a regular contributing writer for The Better Mom . Amber and her husband co-run the faith-friendly production company Storehouse Media Group , and they live in Southern California with their four boys . To learn more , visit AmberLia . com .