LEAD April 2022 | Page 36

Stop Believing in “ Once Upon A Time ” Fairy Tales
1 Drucker , Peter F ., Managing the Non-profit Organization ( New York : Harper Collins , 1990 ), 56 .
So many organizations rely on too few tactics to grow their awareness and support . An annual outing , banquet , event , or activity . Leaving their success and growth to infrequent contacts and year-end appeals is not only ineffective , but also high-risk . It ’ s important that nonprofits understand how important it is to build relationships with those who support you and that you need to do so through frequent , high-value and highquality contacts and connections .
Frequency Wins
Any successful organization , business , celebrity , athlete , politician , or cause understands when you do something well and you do it frequently , that this is a big part of their success equation . Engaging people and doing so with quantity , quality and variety will provide your organization with an unmatched and sustainable advantage .
Bill McKendry is founder and board president of DoMoreGood . org , which has now combined efforts with Nonprofit Hub and Cause Camp , to provide content , thought leadership , and educational conferences and workshops for nonprofit organizations . Bill was inducted into the American Advertising Federation ’ s ( AAF ) Hall of Achievement for his cause work and is a frequent public speaker on the topic of how branding and marketing can help nonprofit organizations do more good . He ’ s also just released a book also called DO MORE GOOD which provides insights and advice on how nonprofits can move from good to growth . 36