LEAD. April 2021 | Page 14

Don ’ t Miss the blessing buried in the busy Alisha Illian

I once gifted my husband a container of small stones on his birthday . I ’ m thoughtful like that . Each stone represented a month we had remaining until our children left home . While some may consider this a countdown to freedom , we have different intentions . We use the stones as reminders that even though the days seem long , the years are short . We have to live each exhausting moment of parenthood with intentionality and purpose , joyfully celebrating the gift of time and the brevity of life .
I ’ ve been blessed with three wonderful kids . They are constantly testing my patience and the hardwood floors , but I can ’ t imagine life without them . Reign is twelve , and the prototypical firstborn . He ’ s an introvert and a perfectionist who can typically be found with either a football or basketball in his hands . The only thing bigger than his desire to win is his heart for Jesus , and I almost tear up every time he says a prayer .