his work in a particular place in your life. Some
roles you might perform every day, others less
often. Some might be dormant, and some
might even be roles you aspire to but are not
playing yet. knowledge, intelligence, and creative
• Financial capital consists of your financial
net worth, including your cash, assets, and
It may take a minute for your brain to “click”
into this brainstorming mode. Sometimes you
are stating the obvious by identifying smaller
roles you play at work. (For example, a primary
role of Salesman might step into the secondary
roles of Phone Caller, Email Sender, Blog Writer,
Internet Researcher, or Social Media Maven.) Plot Your Present, Forecast Your Future:
The Five Capitals is more than a theory; it’s
the practical basis for understanding what’s
missing in your life and what you already
possess to fill it.
Role mapping is the single most helpful
assessment to “point a flashlight” on an area
of focus in your life. But let’s continue to look at
the other Rs as additional assessment lenses
to refine and double-check what’s happening
in each of your storylines.
The Five Capitals: To fully appreciate the
wealth God has entrusted to us, it helps to
clarify five different kinds of resources that he
• Spiritual capital consists of wisdom, power,
and authority (reputation for holiness and
integrity) you have as a follower of Jesus.
• Relational capital consists of the people
you know. This includes your family, friends,
and “followers” from your most intimate
circle to your widest network.
• Physical capital consists of the physical
capacity of your body, including your time,
health, and energy level.
• Intellectual capital consists of your
The good news of the gospel is that you now
have the Holy Spirit inside of you to help you
wisely grow all the resources God has given
you to accomplish his will in your life. With him
you can grow them, and growing them will
grow you.
Now that we have explored role mapping and
resource increasing, let’s take a look at the third
lens for exploring the best area of focus for
each storyline—replenishment. This additional
perspective is especially helpful as you select
one area of focus for each storyline so that you
are being realistic with your total life energy in
“life stepping” into a better future.
Replenishment is one more way that God has
ordered all of creation to function. We see it on
the first page of the Bible and it works its way
through all of Scripture. Simply stated, there
is a rhythm of rest and work that is to be the
guiding metronome of your life.
The Heresy of Dividing Rest from Work:
There is a time for rest. And there is a time for