into that CEO role to establish boundaries for
your time. When you’re trying to decide where
to invest your energy, check in with your CEO
self and get clear on what you want for yourself,
your family, and the business, and then set
the boundaries accordingly. If that feels fuzzy
or difficult for you, try asking yourself two
questions to help with boundary setting:
Is this worth missing out on time with friends
and family?
We don’t need to say yes to #allthethings. We
can become confident decision makers, saying
no to the things we truly don’t have an interest
in. Ask yourself, right now in this season,
Is it worth the time I will be missing out on
answer was no, I knew my own limitations and
responded with a firm no.
When we learn to reframe our thinking, set
boundaries, accept the time-barren seasons,
and get creative with what we have, we are
better at prioritizing our time and creating
margin for what’s most important. We have
MORE than enough time to accomplish our
deepest longings and desires!
Excerpt used by permission from Thinking Like a Boss
by Kate Crocco, published by Baker Books, a division
of Baker Publishing Group. Copyright 2020. www.
Does this advance my business goals in a
concrete way?
You don’t owe anyone your time. Your time is
yours to keep. Sadly, early on in my business I
spent hours accommodating others for brain-
picking sessions. Through this experience I
began to ask myself this question before saying
yes to giving my time: Is there potential value
in this encounter for my business as well? If the
Kate Crocco, MSW, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and a confidence and
mindset coach who mentors female leaders around the globe. She
has coached thousands of women through one-on-one, group, and
mastermind programs, as well as through her Confident Ladies Club
community. Kate’s mission is to empower women to go after their dreams
by helping them break down the walls and fears that have been holding
them back from greatness through lovingly challenging them to step into
the best version of themselves.